The International Association of Constitutional Law || l'Association Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel
On the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the Venice Commission
Lessons Learned and Learning Lessons: The Venice Commission’s Experience in Elaborating Transnationally Valid Constitutional Standards
March 12, 2025
Jointly organized by:
The International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) and the Venice Commission
Venue: Venezia, Palazzo Ferro Fini
Adress: Palazzo Ferro Fini, S. Marco, 2322, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia
Sustainable constitutionalism has a double meaning. On the one hand, it refers to constitutionalism's potential to foster sustainable societies and democracies, particularly in addressing environmental challenges. On the other hand, it portrays the capacity of constitutionalism to maintain its core values related to human rights, the rule of law, and democracy, in the face of unprecedented social, economic, technological, political, philosophical and climate changes, as well as in contexts of armed conflict and their aftermath. Constitutional sustainability is a play on words that illustrates all these dynamics as it highlights a crisis of constitutionalism but, at the same time, highlights how it can be maintained, and how to make it resilient and able to coexist in "new ecosystems”.