The International Association of Constitutional Law || l'Association Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel

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As a global organisation of scholars of constitutional law, the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL-AIDC) is firmly committed to the promotion of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights through constitutional legislation and practice. These commitments are outlined in our Statute which also commits the Association to collaboration with cultural and social forces attached to the promotion of human rights and democracy.

The IACL-AIDC’s capacity to perform these roles depends to a large degree on the possibility of constitutional scholars and practitioners meeting and interacting with each other. The Association’s capacity is seriously hampered in this regard by the severe effects of COVID 19. The crisis also endangers the IACL-AIDC’s XIth World Congress scheduled for 2022 in South Africa.

In light of its effects on the IACL-AIDC’s capacity to conduct its global activities and because of the grave effects of COVID-19 on the fundamental rights of individuals across the world, the IACL-AIDC hereby:

  1. Calls upon on states and non-state actors to take all necessary measures to ensure global equitable access to Covid-19 vaccination and to this end to address any obstacles arising in relation to supply and distribution; to ensure that intellectual property does not unduly hinder vaccine production and availability; and to provide all necessary co-operation and assistance to achieve these goals.
  2. Calls upon states and non-state actors in the current circumstances of the pandemic and in its aftermath to observe all internationally recognised fundamental rights and to ensure constitutional requirements, including the rule of law are respected;
  3. Calls upon on our members and scholars around the world to contribute, where possible, through their research and expertise to ensuring equitable access to vaccines and the advancement of fundamental rights and constitutionalism as the world emerges from COVID19.

President/Présidente: Adrienne Stone (Australia/Australie) Presidents Emeriti/Présidents Emérites: Jovan Djordjevic † (Serbia/Serbie); Patrice Gélard (France); Thomas Fleiner (Switzerland/Suisse); Michel Rosenfeld (USA); Cheryl Saunders (Australia/Australie); Didier Maus (France); Martin Scheinin (Finland/Finlande); Manuel Cepeda (Colombia/Colombie) Honorary Presidents/Présidents d'honneur: Piet Akkermans † (Netherlands/Pays-Bas); Cardoso da Costa (Portugal); José Luis Cea Egaña (Chile/Chili); Louis Favoreu † (France); Louis Henkin † (USA); Yoichi Higuchi (Japan/Japon); George Kassimatis (Greece/Grèce); Naoki Kobayashi † (Japan/Japon); Salvador Lozada (Argentina/Argentine); Kostas Mavrias (Greece/Grèce); Pavle Nikolic (Serbia/Serbie); Christian Starck (Germany/Allemagne); Guiseppe de Vergottini (Italy/Italie); Mo Jihong (China/Chine) First Vice-president/Première Vice-Présidente: Helle Krunke (Denmark/Danemark) Vice-Presidents/Vice-Présidents: Eva Brems (Belgium/Belgique); Marcelo Figueiredo (Brazil/Brésil); Charles Fombad (Cameroon/Cameroun); Javier Garcia Roca (Spain/Espagne); César Landa Arroyo (Peru/Pérou); Susanna Mancini (Italy/Italie); Bertrand Mathieu (France); Simina Tanašescu (Romania) Executive Committee/Comité Exécutif: Zaid Al-Ali (Iraq/Irak); Merris Amos (United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni); Jimly Asshiddiqie (Indonesia/Indonésie); Sergei Belov (Russia/Russie); Yasmin Dawood (Canada); Han Dayuan (China/Chine); Surya Deva (India/Inde); Akiko Ejima (Japan/Japon); Selin Esen (Turkey/Turquie); Tom Ginsburg (USA); Juan Carlos Henao (Colombia/Colombie); Jaehwang Jeong (South Korea/Corée du Sud); George Katrougalos (Greece/Grèce); Uwe Kischel (Germany/Allemagne); Abdelaziz Lamghari (Morocco/Maroc); Oumarou Narey (Niger); Suzie Navot (Israel/Israël); Kate O’Regan (South Africa/Afrique du Sud); Gonçalo de Almeida Ribeiro (Portugal); Pablo Riberi (Argentina/Argentine); Kim Lane Scheppele (USA); Wojciech Sadurski (Poland); Jose Maria Serna (Mexico/Mexique); Renata Uitz (Hungary/Hongrie); Marek Zubik (Poland/Pologne) Venice Commission/Commission de Venise: Gianni Buquicchio (Italy/Italie) / Fredrik Sejersted (Norway/Norvège) SecretaryGeneral/Secrétaire Générale: Anna Jonsson Cornell (Sweden/Suède) Deputy Secretary-General/Secrétaire Générale Adjointe: Iris Nguyên Duy (France/Norway)